Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Going to sleep only to recall as many dreams as possible

Have you ever approached sleep and dreaming in this way on your quest for lucidity?

I did this about a year ago, and it seemed to increase my dream recall by a ton.

Basically, I didn't think of sleep as "rest", I thought of it as something I needed to do in order to get as many dreams as possible.

So every night I would be like "okay, I'll just lie down for a while so I can get some dreams going" - then I kept doing that all night until morning, and sometimes I would be able to recall 5-6 detailed dreams in one single night!

It is all about changing your focus, so that instead of thinking of sleep as rest, you think of it as a "dream inducer".

I believe this can make your brain even more observant for upcoming dreams.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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