Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Rare Case of SP?

ive had about 10 SP cases this year and not one of them have i woken up in it.

Ive been reading alot about Lucid dreaming and almost every thread says, "Becareful when using WILD, because you can WAKE UP in sleep paralysis.

I have never once woken up in sleep paralysis, every time ive had sleep paralysis, i know its coming and i know when is going to begin because i start feeling like im not able to move even i could if i tried hard and i start hearing a buzzing sound. everytime i get SP its when im trying to just sleep regularly how come ive never woken up in SP?

Also ive read somwear that it is VERY rare to go from full consiousness to SP which is how i always get it.

does anybody else get sp when trying to fall asleep or do the majority of you get sp when waking up.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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