Friday, January 24, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Vision problems in my last lucid dream

So I became lucid last night, which is awesome, but I found I had big problems with my vision in that dream.

I guess the dream started with me performing some kind of DEILD, where I counted to 3 and then decided that in the next scene I will open my front door at home - and I did get a dream like that!

The dream continued with me walking over to a big street of some kind (it looked like New York City), and I could feel myself walking, and vaguely hear people talking around me - but suddenly I couldn't really see anything, everything turned into some unclear grey blur with extremely unclear contours.

I tried to tell myself that I am going to get my vision back when I close my eyes and open them again - but I tried that several times and it was always this grey featureless mess.

And shortly after that I woke up.

Maybe I didn't really trust my ability to control my vision like that?

I seem to get different kinds of vision problems quite often in my lucid dreams.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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