Monday, January 6, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Stablizing in the middle of a nightmare? And a couple of other questions.

I have always been able to remember my dreams and in great detail, but I never realized it was all a dream. I never knew about the whole phenomenon of lucid dreaming either. So I've known for a month now and had two experiences where I realize it is a dream. First time, it was easy and wonderful too, I realized I was dreaming when the entire place had a violet hue, even the leaves that were falling had a tinge of violet. I tried flying but fell out of the dream right then. I know now that I should've stabilized the dream. SO now I ask, how to stabilize during a nightmare? I was in a cab, I noticed the other cars slowly fading right outside the glass that is when I got a little startled and the driver looked back at me, he had no hands. I had adrenaline pumping but then I thought I'd just calm myself and go through the ceiling. But it was very hard calming myself with the driver in front of me like that. The ceiling hurt my head, obviously due to my inhibitions. Any tips on how to stabilize a nightmare?

Secondly, since I've learned about lucid dreaming I tried binaural beats and hypnosis for a day or two. Once during my binaural beat session, I have had this feeling in the middle of my forehead, as if I had a pulse there it was very strong and growing very heavy but felt good. Since that day, I've been able to bring out that feeling at will in the middle of my forehead. The day I had my first LD was the day I felt that heavy feeling, that too right before the LD, it was in the evening. So, is that because I've addled my brain? Or is the third eye really real? O_O

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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