Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How to create a DILD method!

I've broken down the basics of how a DILD method is created. Feel free to use it to create methods, but post it ( or the link to it ) here, so that we can see it.

Basically, a DILD method consists of 2 things -

1. Subconscious Primer

2. Awareness

What is a Subconscious Primer?

A Subconscious Primer is something that you do to check if you are in a dream or not.

Subconscious Primer consists of 2 things -

1. Checking for discrepancies in the world, either WL or DW

2. Expectation of the unexpected

Awareness is created when the Subconscious Primer results in confirmation that a person is in a dream.

If Awareness isn't created, the Subconscious Primer is useless.


Checking the no. of bodies existing.


iMda1 :shadewink:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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