Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Recurring problem with alarm clock

Hey forums, I've been having a problem recently. Every night, I attempt to WILD by setting an alarm clock for 4:00 which is 5-6 hours after I go to sleep. The problem is that I don't hear it, but when I wake up the next morning, the alarm switch is in the off position. I have absolutely no memory of getting up in the night to turn the alarm off, and I am positive that I turned the switch to "on" the night before. I did not drink alcohol before bed. The only explanation I can come up with is that I am sleepwalking when i turn the alarm off, though I have no history of that. This has happened 3 times in a short timespan, and it's really annoying because I want to be able to at least start my wilds. Any advice would be appreciated.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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