Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Can't Achieve Lucidity...

So i've been trying to use a WILD technique for a few nights, but I always get this problem. This is what happens.

1. Close my eyes, relax my body.

2. After about 5 mins, my heart rate increases dramatically, and then my breathing.

3. I repeat to myself something like "I'm in control" or "I am awake"

4. Random thoughts and situations flash through my mind, like conversations i've never heard before, its really weird but i try to ignore them.

5. My eyelids try to lift themselves but i try to keep them shut.

6. After all this about 20-30 mins have passed, I feel myself slipping away from reality.

7. I am trying desperatly to grip onto the dream, white lights appeared and an image is forming.

8. My heartbeat and eyes keep agitating me, so i can never actually get into the dream.

9. I loose concentration for a few seconds, and fall into a normal dream.

10. I wake up angry at myself that i didn't achieve lucidity and i'm stupid for not realising it was a dream.

11. Back to step 1.

So even if i fail the WILD technique, I still fail to achieve normal lucity.

The only other situation i have achieved lucity in is nightmares, at about the point where the monster is coming for me. This was before i even realised anything about controlling dreams, and when i become lucid i try to wake myself up to get out of the nightmare, sometimes it works and i can feel myself coming back to reality, sometimes it doesn't work, so i let the monster kill me, which automatically wakes me up.

If anyone has any idea how i can make my method more realiable or actually work, i'm still yet to achieve a WILD.

EDIT: Also thoughout the day i have "A"'s written on my hands to remind me.

EDIT: I also think the normal dream i had what somewhat influenced by what i was thinking.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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