Monday, January 20, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Modified wristwatch

I had an idea some time ago about having a watch that says "Now" as now is technically the only time we live in =) Checked online and found some people that have previously done it. Might as well make one

So I removed the plastic covering around an old wristwatch and put a paper with the word "Now" printed, and placed the plastic bit back in its place.

now writstwatch pic.jpg

Going to give it a go in wearing this throughout the day to remind me to be aware of things, so hopefully I will become more present daily and nightly.

On the day I made this, I had a dream I checked my watch, became lucid but soon woke =) On the the day I made, I didn't even wear it. so hopefully I can get good results by actually wearing. Here it goes.

Attached Images

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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