Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Can anyone give me some tips on becoming lucid?

Alright so I have been trying to lucid dream for awhile now but have yet to become successful. I have tried all of the techniques multiple times and I even do multiple reality checks every day

I feel I have become close before but I have never crossed over into the feeling of being lucid in my dreams and a lot of my dreams should be major dream signs that HEY THIS IS A DREAM

the technique I try most is WILD but for some reason, I can lay completely still for anywhere between 1-3 hours, yet my body does not fall asleep. I stay completely awake and I do not move a single inch from the position I start in. I try to let my mind wander and stuff but it still doesnt seem to work.

I have tried eating and drinking a good amount of dairy products and cheese before sleeping and this does seem to improve my dream recall and overall vividness of my dreams but it has yet to help me become lucid.

Can anyone please provide me some advice? I would really love to start being able to lucid dream as it is a concept I find very interesting and fun.

Thank you in advance

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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