Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | IMILD - Imagination Initiated Lucid Dreaming

You might be wondering if their are any new LD techniques, and last night I tried this and it worked! :D

What it is.

IMILD is Imagination Initiated Lucid Dreaming. This is a lot like VILD, but more improved because you can do this anytime and to go back into a dream during the night. Last night, I woke up at the end of my REM cycle (eh, 2 or 3) and I tried WILD. Nothing happened, so I woke up again during the morning (eh, no one upstairs, probably 7-8) and I was like "I wish I had a way to redo that" so I tried to do WILD, but I got off track because earlier I had this dream that I wanted to go back into. I thought of that dream, and because I opened my eyes once and never moved, I fell back asleep in less then a minute. I drifted, with my consciousness, back into that dream and I became Lucid.

Now that I just told you how I got the idea and what it is, lets start the tutorial.

1) I did this in the morning, a couple hours before the end of my REM period. I would suggest trying this the same time too, or just try to do it anytime during the night and tell me what happened. :3

2) Think of a random scene or any dream. Keep thinking about it, and remember when you wake up don't move or open your eyes. It hinders your progress. You will find yourself falling asleep fast, so keep thinking about that scene.

3) Theirs a slim chance that you will go into a normal dream, or bring your consciousness into a dream that you did not form. If you got the latter (the last) then thats great, maybe not what you wanted, but great. If you go into a normal dream, just try again once you wake up from that.

4) THIS CAN BE REPEATED Yep, I did this 4 times in a row. Just keep repeating steps 1 and 2 when you wake up from the last. :)

Please, guys. When you try this, tell me if it worked and how it has affected your LDing experience. If you have any suggestions to add to this, tell me. No idea is a bad one, :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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