Monday, January 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Dry Spell Over/DILD/DEILD/False Awakenings/Id in control rather that Superego

Okay so my dry spell is over.:banana: I had my first lucid since 10 days ago. I changed my sleeping habit last night and went to bed at 10pm rather than 1am. This perhaps allowed me to have a lucid dream. What's funny is that it may have made such a big difference that additional reality checks during the day were apparently not needed and dream journaling wasn't so extensive the day before. I still had the LD experience. There could have been more clarity in my experience though. I knew I was in a dream but I didn't do a reality check. It was a DILD with some chaining involved and false awakenings. Terror or fear was my dream sign.:panic: I could have had more dream control but I didn't. Perhaps because the dream was already something I wanted to intimate moment with Keifer Sutherland. lol Anyway, I still wish I would have created another experience rather than a shallow experiment to relenquish the needs of an id. :twisted: Anyone have this problem? Dream control diminished with the needs of an insatiable id?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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