Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | help lucid dreaming sex info required

i have zero experience of lucid dreaming i am trying hard and soon i will be in the dream world.

i want to ask you guys about lucid dreaming sex ,my questions are

1) why people say it is hard to do sex in a lucid dream . when we can fly and do all unusual stuff there why it is difficult to do sex there?

2)if u did lucid sex how it felt like good or not and how long that dream lasted i mean if you can guess how long you were doing sex?

3)i read an article and some tips about lucid sex and one of those tips was if you want to do sex in a dream just summon your partner naked and start f.....king without foreplay why is that. if it is difficult to do sex in dreams because we get excited and if we f..k we orgasm and that will make us realy excited so isn't it better to do foreplay rather then f..king ?

4)what tips you guys give me to prolong my sex dreams?

thank you

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=144904&goto=newpost

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