Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | All day Awareness? Questions, need help :)

Hey, so for the past maybe... four days or five days I've been practicing All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi and I guess I'am contemplating whether of not I'am doing this correctly.

During the day, since I am just starting off. I choose sessions. until I become better. They usually start off by me questioning "Am I dreaming.." And I repeat this for maybe 2 more times, and by this time my

senses are heightened and I'am alert, as much as I can be. Listening. Ex: Listening to the cars wheels against the ground, birds, the wind brushing upon my skin. People and whatnot. For sight, I try to pay attention to what's going on around me. I catch butterflies moving in and out of the corner of my eyes. I feel my feet on the ground. I pay attention to the way my clothes feel, and what they look like. During this I also perform RC's (Nose plug, finger count, sometimes gravity. At the end of the sessions I questions how I got to the point I'am at. "How did I get here?" "Why am I here?" and I come up with a good explanation. After that, it's over and I go back to what I do.

sessions time: 5 minutes long

session intervals : every hour or so.

I just feel like I'am doing this wrong.. I tried asking for help on the thread, but no one yet. If anyone can shoot me a message, or give me a hand that'd be great. Happy Dreaming! :sleepmeditate2:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=145499&goto=newpost

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