Monday, July 15, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Second attempt at lucid dream with a RC - Everything went white? And then I lost the lucidity?

Hi, I'm pretty new to lucid dreaming and was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what happened during my second time doing a successful reality check? The first time it worked (the one where you push your pointer through your palm) I got too excited and woke myself up.

The second time I did it was last night, but it didn't feel like my first RC where I KNOW I got myself too excited. This time right before I did the RC in my dream I sort of had a "sense" that I already knew I was in a dream, so as I started to push my finger into my hand, I told myself "don't get too excited if it goes through". When my finger did go through my hand, I had a quick moment of "yay!" but then I tried my best to calm myself down. I tried to make my body fall backwards and I tried to touch my surroundings, etc but it was really hard to do because everything went white as soon as I realized I was in a dream. There was nothing to touch, it was just a blank white. (Also I can't remember what my surroundings were prior to the RC. I can't remember anything that may have happened in my dream before doing the RC.)

Is everything going white a common thing when doing a successful reality check? Because I'm curious if I managed to do it correctly and was on the right track to a lucid dream. After everything went white and I tried to stabilize myself a few times, I must have fallen into another dream (a non-lucid one) because when I truly woke up, I had both the memory of "becoming" lucid, and then experiencing a non-lucid dream. I was kind of let down that I didn't get to have any fun controlling anything lol.

Did that whiteness mean I lost my lucidity midway in my sleep, or did I possibly wake up and fall back asleep (without my conscious mind being aware of the fact)? I'd like to know what I can do to fight that whiteness if I get back to it. I tried my best to stabilize myself but it was too hard to do with....nothing lol.

If anyone could help me understand what happened, and give me ideas on how to remain calm/stabilized during the whiteness and get past it to a lucid dream, that would be great. =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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