Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | The first ( and maybe last) step in lucid dreaming induction

When we start practicing LDing, the first step is usually to develop dream recall, which requires learning to ask what we were dreaming about in the very first moments after a natural awakening. This is specially effective if we stay still and keep the same position in which we woke up ( not a serious problem if we move though ).

The ability to stay still and relaxed after a natural awakening is also the most important skill in DEILD ( which is the less effortful induction technique i know ). Mastering this technique means multiple LDs every night, which is not very common and more difficult with other techniques. DEILD is also a sleep -friendly technique as you must focus on falling asleep.

So, specially for begginers, keep motivation to improve your dream journaling skills - specially that important "stay still and relaxed" step. Focus on it, and allow yourself to sleep :dreaming:

You maybe on the road to master DEILD :thumbup: and become a LD god

I know this is obvious to most people, but basics are so easily forgotten. And sorry if the title thread is somewhat misleading :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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