Monday, July 29, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep Breathing and Lengthy Dreams

I Checked A Couple Other Posts and Didn't See This:

So recently after picking up an interest in lucid dreaming again and I was trying some sleep breathing. This is where you imitate your breathing as if you are asleep and it is suppose to put you into sleep paralysis yadayadayada (Yes I'm aware that most people say sleep paralysis doesn't work for lucid dreaming cause you need a condition or something just put that aside for now). Now after I while I get very intense vibrations over my entire body and it feels very odd. However from my experiences I haven't gone from this stage to lucid dreaming.

Except something odd does happen.

Now I know that this isn't coincidental because it has happened on the last 3 occasions I have tried this method. So, after I do my sleep breathing and it fails, I tend to just go to bed and it actually takes a surprisingly short amount of time. The weird part is that each time I have had one very lengthy and very vivid dreams (I tend not to remember my dreams except during WBTB but these were just from going to bed for the first time.

So does sleep breathing actually have anything to do with these long vivid dreams I'm having or is it all just a very convenient coincidence? Also is there any way to use this to attain lucidity in some way?

A response would be appreciated. Also I'm pretty sure this should be here and not in WILD due to it being a sort of different question but if the moderators want to move it there instead w/e XD I was never very good at deciding where forums posts should go.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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