Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Cant Become Lucid In A Dream *Help Me*

I have been obsessed with Lucid Dreaming for the past 2 days and have been trying to have a Lucid Dream. I have only been trying for 2 nights and have not had success so far. I am worried because it seems like it comes so easily to everyone else *at least on the forums*. I had a Lucid Dream once a long time ago but I got over excited *I was 6 years old* and woke up. I didn't know what it was anyway. I have been doing Reality checks regularly in Waking Life. But I guess not in my dreams. I have also been having trouble remembering my dreams. Last night was the first Night I really remembered my dream *read my dream journal*. The dream was about Dream Recall so maybe it was a sign that I will be remembering my dreams more often then before. Please help me get my first real Lucid Dream and tell me if you guys had trouble when you first started too.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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