Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | First Lucid Dream!

It began with me, and two buddies of mine walking into an office building. We all had guns. My idea was that we were robbing the place, but we had to make it to the top floor (weird because I've never even stole anything, ever). Many guards shot at us and we shot back, however my bullets would hit them and they'd go down but leave no wound- which was pretty odd. After awhile I was walking through these cubicles. While walking through, I saw some lady and grabbed her breasts although I completely forgot why I did it (I haven't used my Dream Journal in about 2 months but I probably should have when I woke up). Anyway, I think I noticed the absurdity of the situation I was in and wanted to see what would happen. She didn't really react so I just kinda kept going... eventually we began to have sex but I moved on because I was left behind by my friends. But then, the most confusing part happened, as soon as I turned the corner I was in my High School walking through the hallway. It didn't even occur to me that I went from a professional level robbery to just walking through to the next period. Maybe I switched into a new dream, because the transition is kinda blurry. Anyway, a completely different friend of mine came up to me and asked me something (can't recall what) and I just responded, "Naw man, we're dreaming". As if he was also dreaming at his house in the real world and we were sharing a dream. After that I kept walking and met up with a girl that I had had a relationship in the past with (I broke up with her). I knew there were no consequences so I started kissing her and touching up on her but nothing beyond that. After that I went to this weird Asian receptionist and told her to right me a note to leave school. She wrote it, and then as I was walking out of the building I saw another girl. I did the same thing with the first one but I wanted to actually finish this time, however she reacted kind of shocked and which freaked me about because even if it's just a dream, I'd still feel guilty just by doing something to her that she didn't like, so I just jokingly said, "You know you want to." and shortly after that she started kissing me. Problem was, I started closing my eyes and the dream ended.

This experience really sparked a new interest in Lucid Dreaming. Of course it was fun with the girls, but the robbery was so incredibly intense. It was as if I was the main character of Grand Theft Auto.

So, I guess the reason I put this is Attaining Lucidity was because I did nothing in preparation for this dream and Lucid dreaming hasn't even crossed my mind in over two months. Upon my awakening I tried to WILD for about an hour but I got to restless. So, how could I obtain this sort of experience and control it even more. It seemed like I was controlling my ACTIONS but I already had a predetermined path and I couldn't really control where I was going.

EDIT: SP, and I also have another question... Was closing my eyes the reason I woke up? Even though I woke up about exactly 10 hours after going to sleep, but it felt like it ended as SOON as I closed them.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=144923&goto=newpost

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