Thursday, April 21, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Whilst I await the AURORA

Hi all, iWinks have told me that I will be an early tester for the Aurora as I have been advising them with various bits and pieces. Whilst I await delivery I am going to try another experiment.

Apple Watch induced blah blah blah :-)

So the apple watch has a cool 'haptic' vibration which is a bit like being tapped on the wrist ( lasts for about 1 second)

During the day I have set it to 'tap' my wrist each hour to perform a reality check. During the night that very same 'wrist tap' will hopefully subconsciously direct me to perform a reality check as I do during the day

My remDreamer broke and thats why im trying this.

Anyone else tried something like this?


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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