Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Intense Pressure and Red Circle Forming Over Tailbone While Attempting to WILD/Astral Project

Has anybody had experience with this? Consistently after each of several attempts of either WILD or Astral Projection, there has been a tremendous buildup of heat and pressure over my sacrococcygeal ('tailbone') region. Not quite painful, but a bit uncomfortable. It always results in a large red circle right over the base of my spine/tailbone if I persist through it.

I have attempted this wearing nothing but regular, loose fitting clothing while laying on a yoga mat/ordinary mattress. There are no detectable heat sources or technologies in proximity of my body. According to Eastern Spiritual teaching, this region supposedly corresponds to the "Root Chakra".

Thoughts? Advice?


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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