Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Menial tasks / body motions

Last night I had another LD (finally, cause it's been months since my last full fledged LD.)
Somehow without being aware of it, I ended up practicing a menial task with the intention of engaging with my dream body. I found myself shovelling snow but was working in a garden, meaning like I was getting ready to set plants in the snow. I think that I premeditated this because I vaguely remember deciding to 'run' to get myself in motion with my dream body in order to engage the dream, I guess. I hope that makes sense. Anyway I wanted to know if this is a technique for getting into WILD as well, because I didn't really do a reality check the way I usually do. I just recognized that it was weird to shovel snow in the way that I was. I think my question is... Can imagining one's self doing menial tasks / body motions just to get the dream body going be helpful?

A weird final note... It's April 24th today and after I woke up from this lucid dream this morning... it was snowing for real here where I live... I had to do another RC just to make sure I wasn't dreaming!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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