Monday, April 4, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | great CANWILD app

Hey :D

I found an amazing app for doing the CAN-WILD technique, and i thought i would share it.
It's called Aida Reminder. (iOS)

This app will let you set alarms that can repeat every day, and that you don't need to turn off. They have a variety of sounds that can range from 1 second to 6 seconds, and will even let you record your voice and use it as an alarm. This means that you can wake up to yourself saying 'You are in a dream,' and then have a DEILD, as you are conscious.

Another great thing about this app is that it is available for iOs 6.0 and up, meaning that if you are like me and have an outdated device it will still work for you.

Hope this helped,
LeopoldTheHippo :P

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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