Friday, April 29, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Just had an epic hour long dream

This past week or 2 i have been having really long vivid dreams but with no chance of lucidity.In the dream.i just had there was a part where when i walk from where i was sunbathing to the beach whoch was like 10 steps change from day time to night time which made me really confused but i thought wow thats weird and carried on with the dream.
The past month i have stopped doing ADA and focusing on reality checking every 30mins at work which i about.a month the habit will then be part of my dreams but do you think stopping ADA has caused my DILD abilities to die down? Im thankful for the vividness and i class remembering dreams and big dreams as a bonus but always kick myself for not coming lucid.
Once i get used to waking from a dream and remaining still i should hopefully be on the track to having lots of DEILDS which i love the sound of =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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