Monday, April 4, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Gravity RC and recall

Alright so guess it is time to post about it, first will copy paste my gravity RC tut that I have somewhere else here.

Spoiler for Gravity RC tut:
Well, here it is.

Ok, so I think it’s been too long since I told myself to write this, and today it shall be done (By today I mean this week, this is here to remind me to work my butt off on it)!

First of all, what is the gravity RC? It is nothing more than focusing on your own weight and how it affects body-parts. Let’s then proceed to how I discovered it.

After so many years of trying to induce a lucid and being unsuccessful, decided to enter a dream forcefully and already lucid (WILD, but didn’t know at the time), it took me little over a month to manage this, especially since I tried without any prior sleep. Once I managed to do it, had to keep myself calm about inducing my first LD, then had to go out and start searching for stuff that was not the same in dreams than in waking, but couldn’t find anything for a while, towards the end of the dream I could feel my own weight being warped, this lead to thinking of gravity being weird in dreams, and thus woke up happy with a way to realize a dream is a dream.

Once awake, started wondering how I would see changes on gravity, and thought of a way to learn quickly, first off, I would deprive my legs from blood and then stand up, this way I could feel the whole pressure of them trying to lift my body without enough blood and thus, the feeling of weight would be magnified, I kept doing this for several weeks, I think a month. Once I had this feeling memorized, started to change it gradually to more subtle things and without the need of blood deprivation, like walking, jumping, running, typing, writing, showering, eating, and more, it took me like another month before I could see the proper results, however once this was done results could be seen that same night, and I had 3 LD as soon as the gravity RC incorporated in my dreams.

Basically, one transforms their own body into a RC by slowly learning how their own body reacts to this world gravity, doing this not only makes the body into a RC, but also makes it easy to RC without interrupting your daily activities, like chatting on the net or going to school, so nobody shall look upon us dreamers and be all “OMG what is he/she/it doing!?”, yeah, total satisfaction. And if you do it for long enough, it becomes kind of second nature, so it will gradually become easier to RC on this.

Ok then, I believe this RC works for a number of reasons:

• Often in dreams, SP will affect people and make them unable to move, creating a false image of being really heavy, so this should trigger lucidity easily if combined with gravity RC.
• Some people don’t play an active role in their dreams, i.e., they have no body and thus, should have no weight, so it serves as a perfect chance to get lucid through this RC.
• By making one’s body into a RC itself, it increases general awareness; this should increase the chances to DILD.
• Since this RC involves using all of your body at all times (Not everyone might be as hardcore as I’m so maybe not at all times…) then it doesn’t matters whether you have a dream sign or not, it should still be triggered easily.
• The RC itself helps stabilize the dream, so not to worry about dream destabilizing the next second after gaining lucidity.

And the number of bad sides:

• It is really, really hard to properly focus on weight for long enough at the start, and the middle… only once accustomed is it regular/hard.
• Takes a lot of time and effort to start working (Or did for me anyway), so it can be very discouraging.
• Might not work in waking if you are sick, since that messes up the feeling of weight and totally makes one confuse the two, so always have some back-up. ALWAYS.

Note: Blood deprivation is not necessary, just an extreme measure because I was desperate.
Alright that was the first part, I got new data since.
Been pointed out on a few problems, which is mainly examples of gravity and how gravity RC works.
First would be “How do you know what gravity feels like in a dream?” for me and others “You don’t”, I started that RC AFTER learning what was the difference in a lucid WILDnot before. Azul who also kept at it for longer than a month experienced it only after keeping the RC up for that month, and he wasn’t even lucid. From then on, the gravity-induced LD became more and more frequent. So in short, you don’t know what gravity feels like in a dream, you learn what it feels like in waking and wait for it to be noticed in a dream and then learnt.

Second would be “How does it feel like to be heavy or light?” I think everyone has experienced the event of “being unable to move” in a dream or having a hard time running/fighting, that is one example of how it feels like to feel heavy; the body becomes like lead and it can’t move properly. To feel light is the opposite, and much trickier. People don’t question when they are having an easy time doing something, because it is easy. When light it is like being “floating” in between tasks so they go by without a care in the world.

Third then “How much does gravity change in a dream?” and the honest answer is “I don’t know”, in my own experience it is never a set, so it may be a very drastic change like when being like lead or extra light, or a subtle one where you feel like there is a layer of flour on top of your body, or lighter as if you weren’t wearing clothes (Let’s assume it isn’t a naked dream, here); as such gravity will change, for lack of a better term, differently through dreams. It is also entirely possible that for some it will always remain the same as in waking making this RC useless.

Fourth “Do I need to be at 100% for the RC to become second nature?” by 100% it means to use it all day long. And the answer would be “No” despite it being ideal to get to the 100% it is not needed, even at 30-50% usage of the RC with time it will become second nature and appear more and more in both waking and dreaming moments.

Fifth “How long does it take to see results?” and once again “I don’t know” gravity RC doesn’t have enough data. So far it is from two persons, me and Azul. For me it took 1 month to induce the first lucid and for Azul it took him 2 months, and another half for them to come at a daily rate. For me it was first at the first month and daily at the third month. So yeah, as previously stated gravity RC is slow as hell to see the FIRST result, but IMO it is worth the wait since the fruits it yields are quite juicy or something, who cares.

Sixth “What do I do after gaining lucidity?” (And this one is asked for most techniques) the general and popular answer is “Stabilize” but I will disagree with it. First, how do people stabilize in the first place? Is it not to engage in some way with the dream? So by stopping and thinking about stabilization without engaging one is risking the dream to end prematurely which is why I believe lots of people report failure to stabilize at random. Anyway, gravity RC makes one engage in the dream so there should be no need to stabilize unless the dream is very unstable, in fact that should be the common for most dreams but eh, not part of this thread.

Seventh "How do I become aware of gravity?" already adressed, but needs moar examples. I guess the original idea was lacking? People focused too much on blood deprivation, lets forget that. Now if anyone would, please take an apple on your hand and then raise your arm in a T. Now do the same with the other hand/arm without holding out anything. Wait for a few seconds and check, what is the difference in weight for both arms? the one without anything would be "Normal" and the one with the apple would be "Dreaming", the whole point of this RC is to learn the "Normal" of every body part, so that when walking/typing/working/studying/living it can be used without being a hindrance to life.

Eight "How long will the dream last for?" don't count your chickens yet, people! At first these dreams are super short, mostly because the awareness isn't fully ingrained and will trigger at the end of the dream so it won't be stable or long, but as it progresses it gets better, as the awareness will be present at earlier parts of the dream and thus the lucids will be longer.

Ninth "So I will ask myself if I am dreaming when doing the RC, right?" quite frankly, I am a lazy ass and the answer is "NO". Seriously, when I created this RC my last thought was to make myself stressed further than I already was, so I made it become a dual check. Basically, I just go with the flow/feeling of gravity and think of it this way "Normal gravity = Reality" and "Abnormal gravity = Dream", because in reality only a horrible event would make the change and in dreams you don't need to question something that is already "natural" and "Not normal", that just overcomplicates things for me and would hope others won't have the need to do these questions in order to gain lucidity, it just strikes you out of nowhere, like I think most reality checks should work.

Extras: I have been thinking about it but as with all the stuff I have, there is no data. I think gravity RC is more of a “Natural” RC, so to speak it is a RC about something that we pay attention to, albeit if unconsciously, more to than other things that can be stretched to become a personal RC.
One example would be another member “FryingMan” who has been trying for a long time with a location RC, because that is what seems natural for him. A family member I told to try with “heartbeats” because that is what she pays attention to, but there is still no lucidity data more than heightened awareness from it. If anyone wants to explore “Natural reality checks” feel free to do so. And remember, it is something you already notice naturally in either dreams or waking (Both would be awesome, but let’s not be greedy) which makes it easier to build up awareness on said thing, and use it to gain that same awareness in dreams.

Reality checks FTW!!!!

© Hukif

Anyway, why did I post it?

Because like, 100% of the people who tried it, despite the high amount of quits, experienced augmented recall.
It may be a lesser number of dreams but with better quality, remembering full dreams, having more dreams to write down every day and what not.

Basically, when using gravity RC one becomes more aware of their own body and surroundings, thus helping the neural connections and memory connections of the human brain (IMO at least) and eventually making way onto their dreaming minds, making their dream memory become better slowly but surely.

I think its mentioned above, but gravity RC is also a method of stabilizing the dream, so if anyone wants to try it like that, feel free to do so.
Hopefully someone will try and give more feedback =D

Also, have gotten already 4 people to get lucid daily with this tech, so there!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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