Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Pondering an easier way to become lucid through dream incubation

I have a theory that we only dream about things related to what's most important to us at the time we're dreaming it.

From this, I hypothesize that the easiest thing to incubate in a dream is something related to what's most important to us at the time we're dreaming it.

If this is true, upon waking up, the easiest thing to incubate in a future dream would be whatever we were dreaming about just before we woke up.

So, I'm thinking a good way to lucid dream would be to quickly decipher the last thing we saw upon waking up from the previous dream and maintain attention on it until we incubate in the next dream. The faster we fall asleep, the less time there would be for mind wandering to ruin the incubation.

This would be exactly like DEILD, only without stopping the attempt until we fall asleep again, which gives us a chance at a WILD and a MILD as well.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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