Monday, April 25, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Troubleshooting Ultra-Short DILD's

Hey guys,

So I've been doing a lot more mindfulness and reality checking lately, and it has come to fruition! Over the past two weeks, I've become lucid three times (two of which were last night)! I'm incredibly excited about this, but there's one problem: Each of these only lasted about 20 seconds or less. Here's a description of what's happening:

1) I enter the dream, and things go normally.
2) Eventually, at some point, I just realize I'm dreaming (not for any particular reason).
3) I look at my hands, and usually notice I've got 12 fingers, or a ridiculously large thumb.
4) I rub my hands to get my touch sense going.
5) I keep rubbing until the rubbing really feels real.
6) I either stop, or not, but either way I end up waking up.

Overall, these things last about 20 seconds, and usually end within ten seconds of finishing rubbing my hands. Generally, it seems like I never get fully "immersed;" it never feels quite real.

Any tips you guys know of?


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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