Monday, April 18, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Practising the Gravity RC.

I began practisingt the gravity RC 2 weeks ago.I did not et any lucids from it yet.I am going to keep practising this until it gets me daily lucid.What i have founs this past 2 weeks is that it gets easier to remember to do it as time goes by.You have to be patient.I can now keep it up for longer periods of time.I am aimin for at least 70% of the day.I still forget to be aware of it some times but i get back on it.It did not transfer to my dreams yet but i am so excited about the moment this happens.I will stick with it.My recall though is a bit off lately.Basically i made this thread to monitor my progress and breakthroughs.If anyone has tips or advices make it sure to post them below.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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