Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Opinions needed please!!

I had a lucid dream today after a dry patch of 3 weeks.The lucid dream went on for about 30mins which caused me not to remember alot of it due to poor recall.Im wondering weather one of the new techniques im trying has caused this or maybe a technique iv been trying for a while that has finally kicked in....heres my day and night techniques and hope you can give me.your.2.cents...thankyou

•Awareness during the 3 times i take my.dogs a walk(been doing this for the past 4 months)
•Reality checking only if something looks weird(been doing not that much of as not much gets weird in my.life) and reality checking when i see family or my girlfriend(been doing for 3 days now...i do it as most my dreams involve family or g/f)
•been on and off adding a gravity awareness exercise to my list(been doing at work for the past 2 days)

•MILD(i.imagine my last dream then imagin becoming lucid in that dream...been doing this for about on and off 3months)
•Iv been repeating a new mantra for the past few days and really imagining it happening and really focusing on the words (i will realise im in a dream)
•and basic breathing and meditation techniques and i also voice record my dreams as i.hate writing.....lastly i only tend to get lucid as a result of dream induced lucid dreams

This may seem alot to do for someone but its not that much really...to me anyways.....any info or suggestions would be great thankyou =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1TQb7IT

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