Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | How well do you think this will work?

Right now im.doing a 10 hour waking night shift.....i.whispered 2 mantras into my phone *voice recorder* and then put my headphones in and loop the 2 mantras.
Iv been listening to these 2 mantras for an hour now on loop and wondering if im.busy and not paying attention to the words that they might hit my subconcious?.....the only negative is that people say that you haveto really think about the words when saying or listening to a mantra for it to fully work?
Iv listened to these 2 mantras for an hour now on loop through headphones and yes its abit annoying listening to my own voice over and over but surley listening to these for so long should take into effect if i keep doing it? Any suggestions? Thankyou xxxx

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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