Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | First time WILD!

Hello! For the first time, I had a slight WILD last night. I won't say it was a complete lucid dream, because I wasn't able to hold it.

I went to sleep around 1:30 AM, woke up around 4:10 AM from a dream (I presume this was the first REM phase of the night) and I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I went out for a two mile run and came back ready for bed.

I have always depended on DILD for my lucid dreams, but I decided to try out WILD because why not? I was tired, and my body was even more tired after exercising so I lay down on my back and sit still.

After maybe ten minutes, my body becomes very heavy and numb, I start to feel my head rocking as if my bed is vibrating and behind my closed eyes I start to see flashing lights, streaks of light which I imagine is the hypnagogic state.

I sit tight and keep counting to myself "1.. I'm dreaming, 2.. I'm dreaming" to maintain my awareness and remember that I need to look for images if they do appear. Next thing I know, I'm engulfed in a scene where I'm on a dark

two-lane road driving a car, and while it felt like I was sucked into the scene and I did feel lucid, it didn't feel complete. When I attempted to fully place myself into the scene, I woke up and went straight into a dream lacking any

awareness. While this was an awesome experience, I'm curious as to what happened during that dream. It seems like I was almost transitioned over to the dream, but then it broke apart.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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