Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | strange visual effects of my room?

Howdy folks :)

Well, I think i've just about read 'everything' on this forum by now heh and i mean everything! (I like to read lol :), so I think I know what's 'supposed' to be going on... but still no luck whatsoever in going lucid after 'years' of trying! (waaa :( )

I'm aware of 'all' the techniques (or at least I think I do) and have tried most of 'em at some point or another, but all that ever happens is I fall asleep and then it's tomorrow and no lucid dreams! (wt...!)

One strange thing 'has' just recently been occurring, however... and that is; as am lying there intoning my mantra(s), tapping myself repeatedly on the head to lucid dream, doing breathing exercises (to relax) and everything! (lol I've tried everything!), these last few nights, just before I conk out completely, am sure I have been seeing the faint outlines of the room am sleeping in with my eyes closed?

A few times I've opened them to check the dimensions are roughly the same... and they are!

The effect is like viewing one of those 3-dimensional cubes you see in drawings? Only, in the dark they are white-ish lines that take on the same contours of the room! Can't see anything else of the room, just these white 3-dimensional outlines as though drawn with pale chalk...

nothing else happens, only this and then I conk out at some point... but sometimes it's as though I am seeing the exact outlines of the room through my closed eyes? And when I open my eyes to check (which is hard to resist seeing as this is just about the most that's ever happened during any attempt) those same chalk lines 'were' roughly overlaid on the same dimensions of the room!

So, has anyone else experienced this, or is it just me playing with myself (I don't mean that literally btw hah, although it is pretty boring sometimes when nothing 'else' ever happens lol +J/k?)

Once or twice I'd accept as being just standard unusual visual phenomena, but it's happened several times now fairly consistently and I guess am hoping it might just mean 'something' after sooo very long of nothing?

Still trying to be positive here boss! :)

Many thanks in advance for any advise(s)

With kindest regards
from spinny...

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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