Monday, February 15, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Easier way to get to LD or w/out transition?

So I've been journaling my dreams for a long time now but never had a LD.

I have great recall and can have dreams that last for 1-2 pages. Or more depending on how much detail I want to add.

But after all this time I decided to try LDs again. I tried before but it always seemed to be a ton of work even though I had some small breakthroughs.

This week I've been trying. I get 4-5 hours of sleep. WBTB then lay on my back and try the resting/focusing. I don't sleep on my back well. I need to sleep on my stomach to get to sleep. So this is very uncomfortable as my body wants to rotate.

Probably my only LD was this week. As I was on my back I was imagining how to deep fry a bloomin onion. As I was picturing putting it in batter then placing it in a deep fryer, suddenly the deep fryer became an amazingly colorful white sink with rose petals and a silver faucet. And I was placing the onion into a sink full of water. This shocked me to wake up. I've never had a dream in vivid color like that, usually they are grey.

I've also had the voices while trying to get there.

But it's just really hard work especially in the position on my back. I typically just give up and roll over because I'm too tired.

Is it possible to LD w/in a normal dream? Does it suddenly become colorful?

Other fun things have happened in my dreams recently. In one dream I actually said to myself "I should live my life like a dream, what do I have to lose??". And then I started to run around and do whatever I wanted. But obviously I thought it was real. Ironic.

In another dream, my LD that I wanted was to be lead by a professor to show me secrets of my unconscious. In the dream I came across a professor who passed me but I did not follow him. For some reason I have dreams about university a lot.

Is getting to LD as difficult as I feel it is? Also, I'm a bit panicked about SP as I've had some horrible SP in the past that scared the **** out of me. So that has me worried.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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