Monday, February 22, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Layers of Non-Lucidity

I think categorizing the layers of non-lucidity would useful. We can see where we are so we know what we have to do to become lucid. Baby steps can be effective. Notice the layers start high and go down, ending with pre-lucid dreams at layer 0 in order to blend with the layers of lucidity. I added some guidance to overcome each layer for extra usefulness.

Layer 3-You're dreaming but aren't conscious of anything.

You can't experience a lucid dream, or a non-lucid dream for that matter, if you aren't at all conscious of the dream.

Getting past layer 3-You need to be more motivated to be aware of the dreams you're having when you're sleeping. This lack of motivation could be due to stress but it could also be due to lack of effort caused by thinking that being conscious during your dreams will be automatic. We're more aware of things we're interested in, so investing and cultivating an interest in being conscious while the dreams are happening should result in you experiencing more dreams.

Layer 2-You're conscious but don't notice anything unusual.
You're conscious during the dream, but are not aware enough to notice any potential signs that you're dreaming.

Getting past layer 2-You still need more awareness so that you notice a potential sign that you're dreaming. Our minds can be pretty good at recreating the world we live in, but with more awareness, you could find flaws in this recreation that could allow you to be aware of potential signs that you're dreaming. To increase this awareness, you just have to be more motivated and interested to be more aware during your dreams, just as before.

Layer 1-You notice something unusual but don't question whether you're dreaming.
You're aware of a potential sign that you're dreaming, something that is unusual, improbable or impossible in waking life, but the thought of it not being real doesn't cross your mind.

Getting past layer 1-Now you need to be more motivated to question whether you're dreaming upon becoming aware of anything unusual you come across in your dream. This allows the access to the memory of dreams needed to become lucid. The reason you need to be more motivated is because your attention is always on what we're most interested in at any given time. So, if you're more interested in gazing at something unusual in your dream than questioning the reality of it, you're going to gaze at it. Being motivated in doing this doesn't always come naturally so you have to find a way to cultivate it. Questioning the reality of things during the day can help with this, but only if you keep in mind that you want to do this during your dreams too.

Layer 0-You notice something unusual and question whether you're dreaming but aren't lucid.
You notice a potential sign that you're dreaming and think that you might be dreaming, but aren't sure enough to know that you are.

Getting past layer 0-You're almost there! All you need is more confidence to trust yourself in your judgment that you made. Rehearsing these RCs well while awake can help give you enough confidence for them to work once you do them while you're dreaming. Sometimes having a backup RC as well can give you confidence. But, if you become confident enough, you might find you no longer need RCs which can be convenient.

I hope this helps! Feel free to add tips if you have them!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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