Monday, February 15, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Bigger and more vivid dreams during this time.

Hello.Since i first started practicing lucid dreaming(no success yet) 2 weeks ago I have been workig my dream recall.What i noticed this past 2-3 mornigs is that i i oversleep i have longer and more vivid dreams during that oversleep time.I also remember that dreams more clear.For example today i would normaly wake up after 7 hours of sleep.My alarm ring and i wake up with no dream memories.So i fell asleep imediately and i woke up 70 minutes later.And wow i had an interesting dream more vivid than the usual foggy fragments i had and i remembered most of it.Give that oversleep a try.I also use the mantra "i remember my dreams" when falling asleep.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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