Monday, February 1, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Is dream vividness affected by how well you can remember your dreams, or the other way around?

Up until early October, my dreams were way more vivid, and I had a lucid dream every now and then, and since then they have been very un-vivid. I've almost always been just remembering the last part of the dreams, and I didn't have another lucid dream until last night, thanks to 5 HTP (before bed), Fish Oil, five tablets both before bed and at WBTB, Galantamine (WBTB), and Choline (WBTB). (Fish Oil does a *very* good job at increasing serotonin, which makes your mind awake for a few hours when you start WBTB, and then when it wears off three hours later, then your mind is not so awake.)

In my lucid dreams, I always know I'm dreaming from the start, and in all my past lucid dreams, the dreams stayed vivid, and memory of them stayed very good, while in this one it started out as un-vivid as my regular dreams, I had to say maximum clarity to basically make the sun come up, and as the dream went on, memory of it was greatly decreasing compared to my past lucid dreams, so I only remembered the main stuff, like flying, testing out reality tests, and trying to convince a few people that they were dreaming.

Even while the lucid dream was going on, I noticed my memory recall of it was worse than past lucid dreams!! I'm guessing that once I can get my normal dreams to be more vivid, then my memory recall will be better, or the other way around.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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