Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Great technique for lucid dreams

Well here's a technique I use all the time if I'm not using a mantra it's this. Basically lay down focus on your breathing ladi da da. Get into a rythm I'm sure you all have your own breathing techniques anyway once your good and settled into bed or whatever your on bring your attention to you body feel everything you can feel don't move just aknowledge your physical filter feel the bed beneath you. Maybe the way your chest rises. do this for about 60 seconds then move to your hearing focus on any sounds Internal or external for roughy 60 seconds. Now bring your attention to your eyes focus on the black behind your eyes or your minds eye for you guessed it... 60 seconds then repeat all these steps about 3 times and fall asleep you should either wake up in sleep paralysis or go straight into a lucid dream almost always. If you do this after about 4 hours of dreamless sleep I guarantee you will get something. Sweet dreams brotha

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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