Saturday, October 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | When will reality checks start being performed in my dreams?

Hello, this is my first post to dreamviews! I'm not new to lucid dreaming, but I am new to this site so sorry if I get something wrong!

So, a bit of background on my quest for lucidity to help you know a bit about me:

I knew about lucid dreaming for quite a few years before actually learning there were ways to do it willingly. Before that, I only thought it was a thing which could randomly happen to a few lucky people during their dreams.

It was near the start of March this year when I got a crush on someone and, due to some search queries which I can't specifically remember, I found out you could use lucid dreaming as a way to do whatever you wanted to... :P

So I recorded in my DJ for a couple of months and performed RCs throughout the day, but to no avail. I gave up doing RCs and stopped recording in my DJ for a while, until one weekend I had a short moment of lucidity in a dream. I got excited after that and restarted trying to LD. I tried a few techniques like MILD, WBTB, and MILD + WBTB but I still had no lucid dreams. I gave up yet again and now I have restarted for the third time. This time I plan to keep it up for good.

So, with my RCs, I perform maybe 2-3 per hour, and I do the nose pinch one (and I REALLY expect to be able to breathe through my nose), followed by checking my hands + counting fingers, then finally I finish it with trying to poke my finger through my hand (again, really willing it to go through).

I've done these reality checks for a month now, and my dream recall is pretty damn good compared to when I started. At the start of my journey I had dry spells where I went for 3-5 days without even remembering a single fragment of a dream, but now I rarely have blank days, and I can usually remember 2-3 dreams in detail, but this morning I remembered 4 different dreams. Usually, out of the 3 I remember, at least one is very vivid.

From what I've learnt about lucid dreaming, this is a very good rate to be remembering dreams at. But still, the only lucid I've had was a random DILD, without RCing, and I have never before performed one of my RCs inside a dream! So, when will my RCs take effect in a dream?

I also want to note that I don't to these RCs mindlessly, so that means I am thinking and expecting to be in a dream while I do them, but it's still not working!

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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