Friday, October 31, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Varying your Mantra?

So I was curious, In MILD, the point is to preform verbal (or sometimes written or mental) affirmation that you will lucid dream tonight, and the purpose is to get the idea to stick subconsciously? And the generally accepted idea is that you simply repeat the same phrase over and over again, and that the longer that you can stick to that one mantra, the better.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

I know when I am dreaming.

It's easy for me to do that for a very, very long time. Because I can just copy and paste it. In the same way, when I spend half an hour auto-suggesting that phrase in during my commute, I will start up with autosuggestion thinking about it, but very quickly, I find myself saying it without giving any thought to what it actually means. So it's pointless and I might as well listen to music or daydream about something else.

Now you could make the argument that the purpose of MILD is to get your Mantra stuck in your head when you are falling asleep. But this doesn't work for everybody. Either they keep themselves up half the night or end up drifting off on other thoughts and becoming frustrated by their inability to focus. And of course you have the issue of your brain simply repeating the phrase on 'auto pilot' without thinking about what it really means.

I personally think that varying your mnemonics is more effective. It forces you to put more thought into it.

I know when I am dreaming.

My dreams are clear.

I always remember my dreams.

I am good at lucid dreaming.

My dreams are congruent.

I will reality check when I see a dream sign.

I will remember my dream goals.

My lucid dreams last a long time.

If I am in outer space, then I am dreaming.

If I am on a beach, then I am dreaming.

If I am at high school, then I am dreaming.

I am in control of my dreams.

If I see my dream guide, then I am dreaming.

If I see a tsunami, then I am dreaming.

My dream goal is to bend all four elements.

I lucid dream every night.

This took me about five minutes to type out, and took a lot more thought. In a way, I try to think of everything that I should focus on. Recall, Clarity, Becoming lucid, and what I want to do when I become lucid. It helps to keep the mind fresh and focused while you focus on your mantra.

Better yet, if you want to repeat something like this, then more power to you. You're going to have to put much more thought into what you are saying if your mantra is more complex. Same goes for writing it or mental affirmation. And the way I see it, It's the thought that counts, especially in lucid dreaming.

So... Thoughts?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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