Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Galantamine,Choline,B5. Tell me your experiences :D

So im going to be ordering those 3 supplements online, Galantamine 8mlg, Choline Bitartrate 500mlg, & Vitamin B5 all for about $27. I figured since its such a bargin why not try them out lol xD I wanted to know: What are the chances of SP, & getting Lucid when popping 1 of each of these 3 supplements all in one go? I plan on sleeping for 4-6 hours, pop the pills, than wait for a WILD. I have heard that WILD'ing with supplements is much easier & overall quicker. If it helps, I have never had an LD before but was super close with a WILD (: Also If You Want Could You Include Some Of Your Expierences With Supplements? These 3 In General. You Could Also Reccommend Me Different Supplements If They Have Helped You. I Am Always Willing To Try new Things (: Thanks.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1sMJvp5

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