Monday, October 20, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Accidental Almost-MILD? Should i begin to practice it?

Hi Guys,

Today i had nearly-successful yet still accidental mild. I woke up somewhere around 8:15 i've remembered to do reality check at that time of morning since my plan was to start doing reality checks every 15 - 20 minutes during the day. I recalled that it was my plan, did one or two reality checks then fell asleep. I had regular non-lucid dream for few minutes and then suddenly that thing hit me. You know the feeling when you forgot about something and somehow brain itself reminds you that etc. I suddenly remembered that i forgot or should do reality checks then decided to do few reality tests but unfortunely hands were fine, enviornment around was fine and noseplug check worked yet i though it was due to some wound that i had days ago that i were able to breathe :yeah

So anyways guys since this kind of accidental mild happend i think i might have more luck with MILD than with WILD and DILDs.

Was that a legit MILD-Like Expierence and should i give a try to MILD?

What do you guys think?

- Thanks

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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