Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Weird Psychological Device for Lucidity

Last night I was having a normal, non-lucid dream in which you don't question odd things. In that dream, I went into a store that had dream pods for rent. You could pay a fee to "nap" in a pod for four hours, during which time the pod would keep you lucid in your dreams. I paid the admission alongside a coworker that I recently had a business trip with in real life, and suddenly I was in lucid land.

It didn't occur to me, even in lucidity, that the coworker probably wasn't really sharing the dream with me. Yet, we had a lot of fun. In the lucid dream land, lots of strangers were there who had also paid fees to use lucid pods in other stores. Somehow we were sharing a common reality that we all knew was fake. I watched people living out murder fantasies, ninja fantasies, and all sorts of stuff. I was too busy looking around at all the amazing detail and wondering once again how my brain could render so much resolution in real time. In many of my lucid dreams, I have to be careful not to turn my head too fast or else I get ahead of my brain's rendering power. In this dream, however, that wasn't an issue. Wherever I looked, there was so much detail that I kept having to perform personal magic tricks in order to remind myself that it wasn't actually real.

Like many dreams, I couldn't remember the entire thing upon waking. However, I do remember a couple of incredibly detailed scenes. I also remember that at one point, a wizard came along and attempted an attack on a lucid dreamer. I reached out and tried to "burst" him as I had seen some other lucid dreamers do to some authority figures, but it didn't work. He started laughing at me as he advanced. I shifted tactics and raised him into the air with my outstretched arm. For some reason I was unable to shoot energy beams or lightning bolts, but I had a firm hold on him, so I thrashed him around, slamming him into the ground. He asked, "How are you doing this? How can you be this powerful?" I responded, "It's my dream, bitch."

That's the first lucid dream I've had in a long time. I thought it was cool how a non-lucid dream turned itself into a lucid dream through a psychological device that I wasn't expecting.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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