Monday, October 13, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Visiting unfamiliar places while practicing Lucid Living/All Day Awareness

Have you ever tried this?

I often take walks around campus at my university, and sometimes at the university itself, and I often end up at places that I am not very familiar with - and I have noticed that this makes it much easier for me to be extra aware of my surroundings, and kind of pretend that I am in a dream.

I believe this is because the unfamiliar places feel new and unexplored, just like lucid dreams always do, so it becomes easier for me to feel a genuine excitement and curiosity over those places, which is very similar to the curiosity you feel during lucid dreaming.

What will be around the next corner?

What will I find behind that door?

And so on.

I would actually recommend it, I find it very effective.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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