Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Testing SSILD for a month

My goal here is to use the SSILD induction technique for 30 days and see how many lucids it leads to. Normally I would just do this alone, but a BIG problem for me is awaking during the night for trying a technique, then being too lazy and falling back asleep. So, I am starting this thread to make myself accountable. Also, to hopefully spread the word about SSILD and show how successful (or not) it is for me.

Yes, I know I had a very similar thread previously about testing FILD as well, but that didn't work because doing FILD meant staying close to sleep, and so I simply fell asleep without doing anything. I still need to get back into good LDing habits, I have been far too lazy for too long, so hopefully this thread will really make me motivated.

My exact technique may vary from night to night, but to start off I will SSILD before sleeping at all, then awaken about 3 hours in to DJ, SSILD briefly, then sleep again. I will then repeat this every 1.5 hours or so, then hopefully DJ again upon waking up for the day.

I will also notate my sleep debt as it was before that night, as this effects REM rebound, etc.

Everyone else, feel free to join me and comment also on their technique and progress.

So, here we go!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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