Friday, August 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Was I lucid dreaming ? PLEASE HELP

Okay so hello everyone i'm a bit new to lucid dreaming. I wanted to ask a question.

I had a dream last night. We were droppend on a Island etc. I woke up and went back to bed. I was laying in the water my family was with me aswell. I checkend my hands 7 fingeer hummm strange. The tried to put a finger through my palm won't work. Then I pinched my nose i still could breath. So I became lucid i think ????? Cuz i then layed on the ground en touched en smellt everything around me to stabelize the dream. My parents in waking life didn't believe in lucid dreaming and that stuff. So in my dream i told them that they need to look at their hands and realize that they are dreaming. Some of them did some of them woke up.

They were spawning like houses towers and others. -------THIS IS WHERE MY QUESTION BEGINS------- I could control the dream where i wanted to walk but i couldn't fly spaan other things or teleport(lucid layer 4).

So was i lucid dreaming or not. Maybe is was a dream where i wanted to realize i was dreaming but i wast I DONT KNOW. TELL ME BELOW PLEASE

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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