Monday, August 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Still no trace of LD's, am I missing something?

I've finally decided to register here on DreamViews, so Hello!

For a long time now I haven't had really any success in getting lucid. It should only take one thought about lucid dreaming to become conscious/aware during a dream, or to remember to reality check. Either way, it's one simple thought. During the day I RC frequently whenever I remember to and whenever I have a thought about lucid dreaming. I observe what is in front of me, what I'm doing, look for dream signs of anything strange, etc. However when I am dreaming, I have none of those thoughts, like my mind is so narrowed to focusing on what is happening at the moment for any other thoughts.

I'm sure some people will find this annoying since this is probably the most common thing that everyone has at first. But I've been trying to LD for the past two years and am still stuck with this "problem" (although I've been more determined than ever this past month). Is it because my awareness is too low? I'm starting to think that lucid dreaming isn't really for everyone, even though I don't see why not.

Also, my dream recall is good (normally at least 3 dreams per night), so I don't think that is the problem. I also have been meaning to use the DEILD method, only every time I remember not to move I become uncomfortable in some way and it eventually steals my focus and I end up moving.

If someone could help me out/give me some advice, that would be great.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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