Monday, August 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Forgetting chunks from dreams and RCs

So lately I've been forgetting to do regular reality checks, I used to do three different reality checks, one was counting my fingers, another was seeing if my finger could go through my hand and the third was plugging my nose to see if I can breathe through it. It slowly digressed to just plugging my nose and now I'm not doing it as regularly as I should. I also need to keep on top of doing mental reality checks, like "am I dreaming" "am I awake?" etc...

I think the main reason behind this is because I've been super tired lately, I've tried going to bed early or trying not to think lots before I go to sleep. And because of this I've also slowly begun to forget massive chunks from my dreams, it used to be a page or two of dot points but now it's only about 3 dot points or half a page.

But for some reason, even though I've been lacking in RCs etc... I've had more hypnagogic hallucinations than I've ever had. The first one I remember was after my first induced lucid dream, which you can read here and I started falling after doing a RC in the dream and I ended up just forcing myself awake and right in front of my eyes I saw what looked like a black hole 'sucking away' my dream. The second was about last week, I woke up and saw a figure kneeling beside the bed and the third was a person looking outside of my window beside my bed.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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