Thursday, August 21, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Strange way to attain lucidity

Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you people about the weird way a friend of mine gets lucid and ask for your opinions. First off, he's a natural lucid dreamer and hasn't ever really read a thing about the topic, reason why I find it a little bit difficult to communicate effectively with him.

Everything he does in order to attain lucidity is the result of observation, he noticed he sometimes had these weird dreams in which he knew he was dreaming and started looking for a way to induce them. Also, he told me that when he wakes up naturally he feels like if his ears unplugged (change from internal input to external :huh2:?).

So over the course of a few days he studied the way he felt asleep and tried to induce the lucid dream by thinking about what he wanted to dream before falling asleep (incubation). One of those days, he noticed the usual sensation in his ears, thought the other way around: They felt like if they were plugged and everything he heard faded off, and then he doze off. This sensation was accompanied by his eyes rolling up in his sockets :roll:, reason why he thought there was a relationship between these two things and falling asleep, thus he tried to replicate one sensation so as the other to take place. He found that, by rolling his eyes up when fully awake, his ears plugged slightly (compared to when he fell asleep).

After this discovery he came up with a way to induce a lucid dream from cold (no prior sleep): He laid on bed and relaxed for a while, usually no more than ten minutes, until he felt like he was ready to fall asleep (I cannot give more details on this “feeling” as he couldn’t either :P) and then he rolled his eyes like he had naturally and involuntarily done that other night. There were two possible outcomes, either his ears plugged immediately and he felt asleep (like you would in a WILD, but starting dreaming shortly after going to bed) or he failed to feel the plugs and started the process all over (relax --> feel sleepy --> roll eyes), normally succeeding in the second or third attempt.

I haven’t heard of anything quite like this before, is the eye rolling one of the so called “sleep commands”? Is his sleep cycle messed up and so he is able to REM dream from cold?

I really need some help with this :P. I’ll be talking to him again tomorrow, any ideas on what should I ask him in order to clarify this and how should I phrase the questions for someone who does not know the theory, but seems masters the practice? Any thoughts concerning the ear plugging, the eye roll and the technique?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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