Friday, August 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Trying Gravity RC for several weeks

Hi, I'm Zangetsu and I've been ghosting these forums for about a year now off and on. Finally decided to join so I could make this thread about trying Hukif's Gravity RC (if you don't know what that is, you should google it before reading on).

It seems like I've read everything there is online about LDing, but there is something interesting and different about the Gravity RC. Not only does Hukif get daily LDs from this, but he was able to teach it to someone else (Azul I think) and have similar results. This really made me wonder if Hukif hit the gold mine of LD techniques, and there's only one way to find out :wink:.

I plan to try his technique for several weeks and see how I fare with it. I'm hoping some of you would like to try it with me so we can help each other stay motivated and finally get some more data on this technique. It looks like we can expect at least a month of learning to be aware of gravity before any results show up, but who knows maybe we will get results sooner. Anyway, I'll post back on this thread whenever I have any type of results/questions/observations. If we get enough people trying this maybe we can finally see just how well it works for the average person.

Feel free to discuss the Gravity RC here. All I can really do is speculate and answer questions based on Hukif's tutorial, but maybe if he has time Hukif himself will be able to answer some of our questions. Wish me luck! :lol:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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