Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | isomnia in ssild

According to the 2.0 tutorial, ssild is supposed to help with isomnia, But its not the case. I tried this mirning at 6 abd here I am still awake. Heres what I Did. I woke up, noticed the sun rising, then Did about 4/5 quick cycles. Then Did 3/4 slow ones. At the beggining of the fast ones, it was hard to stay awake. Then after the first slow cycle,I went from drowsy to Wide awake with restless legs to doping barrel trolls in bed.

After doing the cycles falling asleep is extreemly difficult. I want this to work because when I do fall asleep it Does generate lds and looks very promising.

Before I discovered ssld, I Did something similar that granted me lds 2 nights in a row. When I woke up, I would stare into the dark behind the eyes for a minute or two until I felt like I was about to fall asleep, then I fell asleep. It even gave a similar fa.

Anyways can someone help me with my ssild Insomnia

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1ti47p4

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