Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | A Version of WILD that works for me

I'm finding that on these forums, cracking the enigma of lucid dreaming is completely individual and each technique is only a breadcrumb to lead towards one's own path.

On that note, I think I finally figured out how to get WILD to work for me. I have a quick and jumpy mind that cannot concentrate, especially when going to sleep. I'm also highly intuitive and learn by the feel of things. So, with an influence from SSILD, I've found this way that works. I almost WILD'ed yesterday napping using this.

When first going to sleep, napping, and the 1-2 WBTB moments at night, practice WILD technique:

-find position, such as supine, where I do not go to sleep quickly.

-bring attention to breathing and body sense: relax and let go into sleep.

-move attention to hearing and visuals to move into the sense of hypnogagia.

-Move between the breath/body, hearing/visuals intuitively.

-moving to the body seems to anchor just enough to not fully sleep, but also to let the body go and relax just enough. Moving to the vision/hearing senses appear to move into the between waking/dreaming states. Moving like this seems to tweak things until I get the feel of moving into sleep and dreaming intentionally.

-There are no time frames or numbers of times to cycle. It goes by intuitive feel. Such as when feeling losing focus too much, move back to body. When too awake and identified with the body, move back to the facial senses.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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